Estonian Artist Spotlight – Ewert and the Two Dragons

January 19, 2012

I try not to blog about music, but here goes. The reason why I find it hard to write about music is because I can never really put my finger on why I like an artist/band/singer/whatever. My favourite kind of songs are the ones that haunt me for a long time – in a good [...]


Paying In a Cheque, which country is stuck in the past?

September 22, 2010

I recently set up a bank account with SEB here in Estonia. The lady behind the counter was incredibly helpful and I really like our local bank here in the Elva supermarket. The reason why I set up the account is because I recently received a cheque from HM Revenue and Customs in England for a return [...]


I Really Like Raadio Elmar

March 27, 2010

I’m just writing a quick post to declare my love of Raadio Elmar. As an Englishman living in Estonia, who barely knows how to speak the language, I find it really useful and enjoyable to listen to Raadio Elmar. As far as radio stations in Estonia go, Raadio Elmar is minu lemmik (my favourite). Raadio [...]


The Estonian Springwatch

March 26, 2010

I recently found a rather lovely website with live feeds of Estonian wildlife. The site is run by Looduskalender who are non-profit organisation raising awareness of the beautiful and varied wildlife of Estonia. Looduskalender is translated as Nature Calendar, and by only viewing the site for a few minutes every couple of days I have [...]